Mac Links
News and Information
- Macintouch Long time Apple/Macintosh news site.
- MacMinute A headline news site.
- Mac News Network Another popular Mac headline site.
- MacSurfer's Headline News A longtime Mac Headline aggretator. Kind of like an RSS reader before RSS was available.
- MacSlash A Mac specific Slashdot-type site.
- LowEndMac Extensive Mac hardware information with summaries of every Mac model ever sold.
- AccelerateYourMac Great hardware information source.
- BareFeats A longtime hardware benchmarking site.
- MacSpeedZone
Benchmarks, upgrade reviews, hardware info and forums.
- Other World Computing A Mac hardware sales site. Good prices and a good source for supporting older hardware.
- Baucom Dave Baucom buys and sells used Macs. A great place to pick up your first Mac at a good price.
- Alsoft Great software for your hardware. They make the indispensable DiskWarrior.
- MacOpinion What it says.
- DaringFireball Intelligent commentary on current Mac and tech issues.
- LowEndMac LowEndMac runs some thoughtful opinion pieces
- MacUpdate Large database of new and updated software.
- VersionTracker Like MacUpdate, but been around longer.
- A large list of OS X software maintained by an individual.
- Info-Mac The granddaddy of Mac software collections.
- Adobe Systems Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. The 800-lb gorilla of graphics software.
- Apple Computer OS X, iTunes, FinalCutPro, iPhoto, GarageBand, etc...
- The Fink project Ports open source Unix software to Darwin and OS X.
- Gnu-Darwin Gnu-licensed software for OS X and Darwin.
- Official documentation and resources.
- The Applescript resource. OSAX, utilities, Applescript FAQ, free scripts and libraries and more!
- The Applescript Sourcebook Longtime Applescripter Bill Cheeseman's site. Tips, scripts, handlers, libraries, reviews and more.
- appleMods Large repository of script libraries hosted by SourceForge.
More links to come!